You might wonder if your disciplinary methods are working, or how toinculcate common manners, but good oral hygiene can actually consist in this parent guide to children teeth:
1. Babies and Toddlers
Most babies teething start around 6 months of age, which is when oral health should be a priority. According to Indian Dental Association it is important to clean your baby’s mouth in the first few days after birth.
In most of the cases the first 4 front-side teeth develop when the child is around 6 months of age. You can clean the gums by wiping with a clean cloth or a moist gauze pad. For children older than 2 years, brush their teeth with a pea sized amount fluoride toothpaste.
2. Massaging sore gums, offering something cold on occasional rough nights can help soothe your baby’s teething pain.
3. Fluoride should be added to your child diet after 6 months of age.
Fluoride is a mineral that helps prevent tooth decay by hardening the enamel of teeth. Fluoride is often added to tap water. Give your baby a few sip of fluoride containing water when you begin them on solid foods.
Speak with your paediatrician to see if your tap water contains fluoride or whether your child needs fluoride supplements.
4. Fluoride toxicity
Although fluoride is safe for dental health at low concentrations, sustained consumption of large amounts of soluble fluoride salts is dangerous.
RECOMMENDED a level of fluoride from 0.5 to 1.0mg/L. Fluorosis possible above this recommended dosage.
5. Pre-schoolers
As your toddler grows into a curious pre-schooler, it is the ideal time to encourage healthy oral habits. Let your child pick out a new toothbrush and a good tasting toothpaste. Even though your pre-schooler want to fly solo for brushing and flossing, you still need to administer their technique and ensure that the teeth are cleaned at least twice daily.
6. Elementary school-aged
Between catching school bus, doing school homework or cricket practice, your child might have a tight schedule. Two things can result in bad oral health during these crucial years: forgetting to brush or involving sugary intakes like candy, sweets and chocolates.
Kids at this age also start losing their primary teeth-usually between the age of five and seven. The Indian Dental Association recommends a healthy diet (Vitamin A and C) to prevent gum diseases and decrease the sugary intake, remind kids to stay hydrated- increase saliva production.
Occasional sweet won’t hurt, but the diet should be balanced with healthy foods to ensure the adult teeth develop properly.
Don’t forget to schedule regular check-ups with your dentist to detect any problem during this process.
7. Teenagers
Arranging for regular dental check-ups can help remind your teen to keep brushing. The teenage years are also a great time to discuss orthodontia for a straighter and more confident smile entering adulthood.
An orthodontist can design a treatment plan that puts your teen on a path to aligned teeth by graduation. Ask your dentist for a recommendation.